On this site, you can express your interest in receiving invitations to participate in studies at the Institute of Psychology I (IPSY I) at the University of Lübeck (UzL). The studies will take place on the UzL campus in the CBBM building (Center for Brain, Behavior and Metabolism). Further information about our research and how to travel to our location can be found at IPSY Teilnehmen .
The first step in the registration process is to register in our database. This step does not commit you to participate in any particular study, but you will receive email notifications about upcoming studies when they are scheduled.
As a student of psychology or media informatics at the University of Lübeck or an external university (e.g. Fern Uni), you can acquire VP hours by participating in our studies. This is also always stated in the invitation emails for the respective studies.
Here you will find detailed step-by-step instructions for using our online system (only in German).